Education Overview

Education & Outreach

We are training the next generation of health care providers and researchers and educating the community.

Our goal is to prepare future physicians and health care professionals to adequately manage chronic pain and substance use disorder.

Through our unique paraprofessional training programs, we are increasing the number of behavioral health paraprofessionals trained to work with people with substance use disorders and children and families impacted by opioid use disorder and other substance use disorders in Southern Arizona.

Since its inception in 2020, the Comprehensive Center for Pain & Addiction and our members have:

  • Started a new Addiction Fellowship with regular seminars and training in the College of Medicine – Tucson’s Departments of Psychiatry and Family and Community Medicine.
  • Spearheaded the development of a minor degree in substance use disorder.
  • Committed to a mission of certifying all medical students in pain and substance-opioid use disorder.

Project FUTRE

The goal of Project FUTRE is to increase the number of behavioral health paraprofessionals who are trained to work with children and families impacted by opioid use disorder and other substance use disorders in Southern Arizona counties.


The goal of PeerWORKS is to increase the number of peer support specialists by recruiting and training a diverse workforce prepared to serve children, adolescents and transitional-aged youth and work in communities with high behavioral health disorder treatment needs.

Arizona Rural Opioid Response-Implementation

A collaboration with the Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers launched a state-wide substance use training and technical assistance with a goal of addressing barriers to accessing substance use disorder treatment, including opioid use disorder.

Arizona Cannabis Education

AzCANN is a community education program. Trainings, workshops and video content are tailored for the general public as well as health care and social service professionals and reflect the diverse experiences, cultures and languages in Arizonan communities.