AzCANN: Arizona Cannabis Education
What do you need to know to make safe and responsible choices for yourself, your family or the communities you serve?
AzCANN (A - Z - CAN) is a community education program. We are responding to the need to educate Arizonans on the state's cannabis laws and provide evidence-based information. The education we provide is centered around the risks, benefits and considerations of recreational and medical cannabis use.
Trainings, workshops and video content are tailored for the general public as well as health care and social service professionals and reflect the diverse experiences, cultures and languages in Arizonan communities.
View the 2023 AzCANN Impact Report

Educational Videos
Visit our YouTube playlist to watch informational videos. Topics include responsible cannabis use, considerations for health professionals, and tips including how to know when it is safe to drive after cannabis use.

Cannabis FAQs
Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about cannabis law, responsible use, benefits, risks, health and safety, and medical use.
FAQs (in English) • FAQs (in Spanish)

On-Demand Trainings
The lecture series "Cannabis Education for Healthcare Professionals" will provide attendees with an overview of current research and practices that pertain to cannabis. Continuing education credits are available for health care professionals.
Join the AzCANN listserv to receive information about trainings, workshops and educational content updates.
Arizona Poison & Drug Information 24/7 hotline
Available in English and Spanish, translation services available
Additional Evidence-Based Cannabis Information
Application information for Medical Marijuana Card
Cannabis Charges Expungement Information
Arizona 2-1-1: Discover what resources in Arizona fit your needs
Health Insurance Help
Principal Investigators
Todd W. Vanderah, PhD
Alyssa R. Padilla, MPH
Co-Investigator/Director of Evaluation and Research
Jennifer S. De La Rosa, PhD
Project Manager
Sean P. Cronin
Health Education Coordinators
Lena Cameron
Josué Cruz
Administrative Coordinators
Stephanie Valencia
Victoria Silva
Graphic Design
Erich R. Healy, Instructional Technologist
Tally Largent-Milnes, PhD
Mazda Shirazi, MD, PhD
Bridget Murphy, DBH, MEd
If you have questions about cannabis, would like information on trainings, workshops or other project activities, or would like to collaborate with AzCANN, please contact us at:
Comprehensive Center for Pain & Addiction
Funder Disclaimer Statement: This program is supported by grant number CTR063305 funded by the Arizona Department of Health Services. The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the ADHS.